
Publication of claim objection notice for selection of housing friend/dedicated human resource under office of District Panchayat Balodabazar-Bhatapara

Publication of claim objection notice for selection of housing friend/dedicated human resource under office of District Panchayat Balodabazar-Bhatapara
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Publication of claim objection notice for selection of housing friend/dedicated human resource under office of District Panchayat Balodabazar-Bhatapara

All the candidates can submit their claim objection in the prescribed format by visiting the office in person or through registered post/speed post by 5.00 pm on 01.10.2024, after reviewing the list and information issued for the above post as required. Claim objection received through any medium after the prescribed date will not be accepted/validated.

25/09/2024 01/10/2024 View (575 KB) 1-15 (9 MB) 16-30 (9 MB) 31-45 (9 MB) 46-60 (9 MB) 61-75 (9 MB) 76-90 (9 MB) 91-105 (9 MB)