During the British rule from 1854 to 1864, Baloda Bazar and Tarenga (Bhatapara) were part of Raipur district. Later these areas were included in the Bilaspur district in 1864. After the difficulties arising from the administrative point of view, it was given the status of a district in 1903 by the British officials by shifting the Tehsil headquarters located at Simga to Baloda Bazar. Since that time, the development blocks Simga, Bhatapara, Baloda Bazar, Palari, Kasdol and Bilaigarh were included under it. Those who were given status of separate tehsil in 1982 From the administrative point of view, the British constructed a rest house, church, hospital and residence in village Parsabhader (mission) situated 2 km away from Balauda Bazar. In 1920, the Panchayat was formed in the Baloda Bazar by implementing the Sanitation Act. After independence, in 1949, Baloda Bazar was created as a Gram Panchayat under the Local Government Act. After the general elections were held for the Gram Panchayat in 1955. Out of which 11 members of the Congress and 4 members of the Socialist Party came out. The local board formed for the management of the regional system changed after independence in 1947 as a district assembly. Bajirao Bihari and Chakrapani Shukla in the Bhatapara-Sitapur Biennial Assembly in 1952, Nandas and Brijlal Verma won the Balouda Bazar Biswasial Assembly in 1957. In 1962, Manohar Das, 1963 by-election and Brijlal Verma in 1967 elections, Daulat Ram Verma in 1972, Dynaraj Tiwari in 1977, Ganesh Shankar Vajpayee in 1980, Narendra Mishra in 1985, Satyanarayan Kesharvani in 1990, Karuna Shukla in 1993, 1998 And Ganesh Shankar Vajpayee in 2003 and Mrs. Lakshmi Baghel decorated the MLA in the year 2008. In the first general election of 1952, Bhupendranath Mishra and Agamdas emerged from the biennial Lok Sabha seat, including Raipur, Bilaspur, Durg. Afterwards, in 1957, the Vidyacharan Shukla and Minimata were elected in the Bicameral Baloda Bazar Lok Sabha Constituency. After that the Raipur was included under the Lok Sabha. In 1973, Baloda Bazar was given the status of Municipality.